Two more coronavirus-related deaths in the Raccoon Valley Radio listening area were reported Wednesday, and Governor Kim Reynolds announced she was lifting more restrictions across the state.
Dallas and Guthrie counties each had one additional death reported as a result of complications of COVID-19, bringing the totals to eight and two, respectively. Statewide there were 17 new casualties reported Wednesday, with the total now at 306. The Iowa Department of Public Health also reported 29 new positive tests in Dallas County, for a total of 741, with 301 patients recovered. There was also a new case reported in Adair County, bringing the total to four with two recovered. No new positive tests were reported in Greene or Guthrie counties Wednesday. Greene has seen 13 cases with eight recovered, and Guthrie has 36 with 14 recovered. Statewide there have been 13,289 positive tests, and 5,954 recovered.
Also Wednesday, Reynolds announced that effective this Friday all restrictions that are currently lifted in 77 of Iowa’s counties will be expanded statewide. Casinos and bars will remain closed, but salons, barber shops, and massage therapists were added to the businesses allowed to resume operations with capacity restrictions. Reynolds added that people should still limit social gatherings to 10 people or less. The IDPH and Governor’s Office are providing daily updates on the COVID-19 pandemic, and Raccoon Valley Radio will continue to bring the latest information affecting the listening area.