
The Adel-DeSoto-Minburn School Board convened Monday evening in regular session.

The meeting started with an update on the continuous learning plan for the rest of the now cancelled school year, covering voluntary educational opportunities. The action items began with approval of extending the embargo on open-enrollment into the District through the coming school year, and denying existing requests. Other items approved included: a concrete repair quote of $119,978.70 from Dykstra Concrete for work at the high school and middle school; giving Superintendent Greg Dufoe authority to approve change orders of $10,000 or less for the new elementary school project; and a change request that deducts $24,004.75 from the total project cost.

The Board then had discussion but no action regarding School Board Appreciation Month, graduation plans, the furniture and equipment plans for the new elementary, and an update on construction. The meeting concluded with an exempt session to discuss the administrative salary settlement, followed by approval of the settlement. To learn more about the ADM School Board meeting, listen to this Friday’s Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County program on air and at