After returning to his hometown as a teacher and coach, Matt Paulsen is in his first season as head baseball coach of the Greene County Rams. He’s been a high school assistant coach and middle school coach for the Rams, but didn’t imagine his head coaching career starting, or not starting as is now the case, as planned. Iowa high school baseball and softball seasons are suspended for the time being with a decision on whether or not there will be 2020 seasons expected June 1 or sooner.
Coach Paulsen talked about COVID-19’s impact on his head coaching career. “I’ll definitely not forget this first season. My wife’s in her first year teaching, so she’ll have that to remember as well.”
Pitchers and catchers had been throwing when the order came that all school sports activities were halted. “We had really just gotten our pitchers and catchers going a couple of weeks before (the stoppage). Now that we’re unable to meet, we encourage them to throw if they have a sibling or parent that was able to do that with them. I’ve texted and called a few of them, communicated through an online communication app, sent a few things out via twitter, but a lot of it they’ve had to do on their own. I’ve been checking in to make sure they’re doing OK, and trying to keep them positive and hopeful for a season.”
Raccoon Valley Radio and will bring you official updates as they become available.