
The Dallas County Board of Supervisors will convene Tuesday morning in regular session.

The meeting will begin with further discussion on the County’s health plan renewal. Following that, the Board will consider resolutions to abate real estate taxes and a business property tax credit allowance. Next, they will have discussion and possible action on the automatic door bids for the Auditor’s Office, as well as a grant through Vote Safe Iowa. The Supervisors will then consider a pay application for the courthouse courtroom project, as well as courthouse exterior inspection proposals.

Other items on the agenda include the final pay application from Harney Commercial Services for the 910 Court Street building reconstruction in Adel, and the water line repair for the 918 Court Street building. The meeting will conclude with a workshop on the public building health and safety policy. The meeting will begin at 9 a.m. Tuesday. Due to ongoing social distancing recommendations, it will be held remotely. To access the meeting, call 1-872-240-3311 and enter the code 199-927-453, or click the link below.
