This Monday will be an important day for the Perry High School Class of 2020, as they are invited to pick up their caps and gowns for graduation.

From 3-6 p.m. on May 11th, the seniors can stop by the high school and receive not only their commencement attire, but also a free “Perry 2020 Graduate” yard sign. Principal Dan Marburger says families who haven’t paid for their caps and gowns yet can do so during the pick-up. Similarly, those who are borrowing a gown can get them as well. Marburger emphasizes that they will follow all safety guidelines for distributing the items, and families are advised to stay in their vehicles.

He adds, the District is getting closer to a decision on the commencement ceremonies, and will continue to update the public. To learn more, click the link below to visit the Perry High School Facebook page.