
The Guthrie County Board of Supervisors approved the purchase of two temporary easements at their recent meeting.

The easements are valued at $1,589.06 and $1,848.09 for the Highland 247 bridge replacement project. County Engineer Josh Sebern also informed the Board of an ongoing right-of-way issue between a property owner and the Whiterock Conservancy over a street in Herndon. Sebern says Whiterock wishes to have access to the road for a trail they intend to connect from the Raccoon River Valley Trail to Coon Rapids. In other meeting business, the Board discussed the finance calendar for issuing bonds for their law enforcement center addition project. Chip Schultz of Northland Securities informed the Board that the timeline would have interest rates locked in on June 9th, then the Board would formalize the payment structure on June 16th, for the premium of $8.7 million to be delivered on June 30th, before the end of the current fiscal year.