Discussion on when to sell the bonds for the law enforcement center addition project was held by the Guthrie County Board of Supervisors this week.
Chip Schultz of Northland Securities informed the Board that the current interest rate to sell the bonds is at 2.5 percent, which he says is favorable, given that they conservatively budgeted for a 2.9 percent rate. Schultz and Project Manager Sid Samuels of the Samuels Group both voiced their preference to sell the bonds before letting the project out for bid in August. Supervisor Board Chair Mike Dickson said the Board was interested in selling the bonds sooner rather than later, and Schultz said the next steps will be for him to put a financing schedule together to present at the Board’s next meeting. The $8.7 million bond referendum was passed by an approximate 80 percent majority last March to replace the current county jail and Sheriff’s Office located in the basement of the Guthrie County Courthouse.