
A position that was once thought to be a new Jefferson city employee has suddenly taken a different path.

At Tuesday night’s City Council meeting, a proposal was presented to the Council about the Jefferson Area Chamber of Commerce and Jefferson Matters: Main Street merger. The two entities are in an agreement to merge as one organization and have a full-time director. Currently the Chamber has no director and JMMS has a part-time director with Peg Raney. Raney is wanting to retire soon and both organizations felt they were in good positions to make the merge happen.

The Council previously discussed making the full-time director position a city employee and that person would receive benefits. However, City Administrator Mike Palmer says due to COVID-19 and the unknown amounts that the City receives for revenues that are impacted by the virus, he describes the new direction that the proposal was made Tuesday night.

“Maybe it’s better just that the City just provides a flat amount of money every year, very similar to what they do with GCDC (Greene County Development Corporation) and (Jefferson Matters) Main Street. By doing that, then they can spend the money where they feel is best. They can pay the salary they want, they can go out and get health insurance benefits and the retirement system they want to set up. But they’re not depending on the City for any kind of approval, nor is the City accepting any liability for a new employee.”

Palmer notes the amount that the Council discussed paying the flat amount was $70,000. Currently the City gives $20,000 to JMMS from the general fund and $30,000 of hotel/motel tax revenue goes to the Chamber. Palmer says there is enough in reserves to fulfill the final $20,000 for the full amount that would be paid on a quarterly basis. The Council’s next step is to consider an agreement or a resolution of understanding to commit the funding toward the new position. Meanwhile, it was noted during the meeting that the organizations can post a job description for the position. To hear more about the merger and other City Council topics from Palmer, listen to today’s Community State Bank in Paton Let’s Talk Greene County program.