The Jefferson City Council will meet tonight.
The Council will consider for approval an amendment to the City’s Urban Renewal Plan, following a public hearing on the topic. The Council will also consider a resolution adopting the multi-jurisdictional hazard mitigation plans, a proposal for the Jefferson Matters: Main Street and Jefferson Area Chamber merger, adopting an amendment to the 2021 fiscal year budget and a proposal to use the Jefferson Field House by Sebolt Wrestling Academy. Additionally, the Council will conduct a public hearing on the plans, specifications and form of contract for the shared use path improvement projects, along with an update from Greene County Development Corporation, a quarterly financial report, an update from the cat committee and video services to record council meetings.
The meeting will begin at 5:30pm in the City Hall Council Chambers. Due to social distancing restrictions, the meeting will be held electronically by calling 312-626-6799 and entering meeting ID number 377-759-2273.