The Guthrie Center City Council awarded the contract for their pool house and public restroom project at their meeting Monday.
The Council approved a bid of $652,130 from Accurate Commercial LLC, with a contract start date of September 14th, though architect MSA Professionals included that date could be moved sooner if the City doesn’t have a pool season this year because of COVID-19, and if the contractor would agree. They also approved a second resolution approving $6,500 for appliances for the project. In other business, a request for chickens from Tim and Mary Benton was not approved as the Council explained that their City Code does not permit livestock on City residential property, and discussed setting a public hearing date at the end of May for a fiscal year 2020 budget amendment for the fire department and other line items. Finally, the Council discussed informing City landlords of a discussion of a proposed rental ordinance at the end of June, if permitted by social distancing.