The Greene County Board of Supervisors met Monday in regular session.
During open forum, County Sanitarian Chuck Wenthold gave an update on the North Raccoon River Watershed Coalition. He said funds were re-allocated from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to the coalition, and as part of those changes was no longer requiring a coordinator position.
The Board also explained the rescheduled hog confinement public hearings from Monday to May 11th. It was mentioned that the number of hogs was incorrect on a letter that was sent to neighbors and the Board felt the correct information needed to be sent. So they decided to push back both public hearings to May 11th, including Stumpf Finishers at 9am and Austin and Jolee Saddoris at 9:30.
Finally, the Board approved hiring Allison Powell as a full-time ambulance Emergency Medical Technician with an annual salary of $32,000.