The Guthrie County Veterans Affairs Office is putting out a call to any veteran who may want assistance in securing any firearms they own from getting into the wrong hands at home.
Recently hired Veterans Affairs and General Relief Administrator Amy Davis says as the Guthrie County Courthouse has been closed to the public to stem the spread of COVID-19, she’s had some time to clean out her storage closet. In it she found many firearm cable locks that were donated some time ago to be given to veterans, “And with the COVID-19 situation and the resulting school closures, there are a lot of kids in the community that are spending more time at home and possibly unsupervised time at home. And I have those 100 cable locks to give away to help keep homes safer.”
The locks are free to any County veteran, and Davis says they just need to contact her to schedule a pickup time at the main entrance of the courthouse. You can reach Davis at 641-747-2546 or adavis@guthriecounty.org.