Following the annual grant award ceremony for Grow Greene County Gaming Corporation, where they gave out over $1.4 million, the non-profit gaming license holder for Wild Rose Casino in Jefferson recently made an additional financial contribution.
In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, GGCGC gave another $35,000 to four key areas in the county, including: education/families; food/essentials; public health; and Greene County small businesses. Funds will be used by Greene County and Paton-Churdan school districts for various school supplies and activities, along with special signage for the Class of 2020 graduates. A donation will be made to the Food Bank of Iowa that will be earmarked for Greene County programs, such as the local pantry, the Action Resource Center, Greene County and Paton-Churdan’s weekend backpack programs and New Opportunities of Greene County will receive a donation to assist families with utility payments.
Additionally, funds will be used by Greene County Public Health for a mobile shed and other Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) items. Finally, a project is being finalized to support those small businesses that have been mandated to close or reduce their hours. The project is in collaboration with Greene County Development Corporation, Jefferson Area Chamber of Commerce and Jefferson Matters: Main Street.