With no sorts this spring, followers of Iowa high school athletics are holding out hope there will be baseball and softball seasons this year in some form. When Governor Reynolds announced last Friday classes in school buildings would not be held the rest of this school year, the hope for any spring sports ended as well. At that time, the announcement stated baseball and softball are suspended with a decision to be made by June 1.

Todd Gordon is the Activities Director for the Greene County School District, and he commented on baseball and softball. “I think we’ll know on June 1 or right around that time. If we’re at a point by then where we can do that, we’ll figure it out. We’ll figure out a schedule because it would obviously be a shortened season. We’ve already met as a conference and we’ll figure it out as we go. We’ll wait for more guidance from the State on that, and the Department of Education. That’s really what we have to wait on before we can do too much with that.”

Raccoon Valley Radio and www.raccoonvalleyradio.com will bring you updates on the situation.