The Jefferson Public Library continues to provide services to residents, even while the building has been closed to the public since mid-March due to the 2019 novel coronavirus pandemic.
Library Director Jane Millard says well over 100 people have contacted the library for requests to check out books, movies and puzzles.
“Most people have come downtown for the grocery store and then they’ll just stop at the library on their way home and pick up their items. And they are either emailing us or calling us with a list of items or just asking for kind of a ‘grab bag’ of the kind of books that they like.”
Millard says the library’s entire catalog is available on their website. These items can be checked out for patrons who have a library card and Millard adds, anyone can contact the library to learn more on how to set up an account. She reminds everyone of some other online library resources that they can take advantage of during these uncertain times.
“This might be a good time for you to learn a new language on Transparent Language or have your children interact with books with the Tumble Books electronic resource. We’re also able to send faxes, make photocopies, and scan and notarize documents. If you call the library, we’ll sure help you with that too.”
It is also National Library Week and now more than ever library’s need community support while they are temporarily closed due to COVID-19.