As is so often found, the spirit of giving can be contagious. Such was the case with the recent announcement that the Dallas County Foundation would be donating $3,000 each to six local food pantries.
DCF President Lynn Ubben, former Superintendent of Perry Schools, said the Foundation wanted to do something in addition to its annual grant cycle to help those who have been adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Earlier this month, the Bock Family Foundation in Perry provided $18,000 to the area food pantries, and Ubben said the DCF decided to match the donation to build upon that effort. She pointed out that the pantries have seen their shelves empty at a rapid pace, due to so many new people requiring food assistance. With $36,000 provided this month by the two foundations, Ubben hopes the pantries now have the financial support needed to keep stocked.
The supported operations include Adel, Dallas Center, Granger, Perry, Stuart, and Waukee. The DCF also awarded $5,000 to the Food Bank of Iowa during their regular 2020 grant cycle.