Theft: Wireman Electric of Greenfield, Iowa, reported a theft in the 300 block of N. 5th St. Items estimated at $4,000.00.
Accident: A hit and run accident occurred in the 1500 block of Greene St. when a parked vehicle was struck. No damage reported.
Theft: Richard Halbur of Adel, reported a scam in the 1500 block of S. 14th St. Item estimated at $18,000.00.
Theft: Brian Jackson of Adel, reported his vehicle stolen in the 1700 block of S. 11th St. Item estimated at $5,000.00.
Arrest: Hunter Rio Randall Keasey, age 20, 1404 Greene St., #27, Adel, was arrested for Operating while Intoxicated.
Burglary: J. Patrick Bertroche of Urbandale, reported a burglary in the 600 block of Grove St. Items estimated $ 12,400.00.
Theft: Rito Mawolo of Urbandale, reported a theft in the 25000 block of N Av. Item estimated at $100.00.