Monday, April 20th
5:41am: An alarm was activated at 300 American Ave. The business called and advised it was an error and an officer was not needed.
9:02m: Mark Cranston advised of an overnight Burglary to his vehicle at 600 South Cedar Street. A checkbook had been removed from the van.
2:33pm: Brittany Olson reported the a Stolen/Lost wallet. Her Debit Card had been declined for use in Illinois according to her bank. The officer is investigating.
3:30pm: The Greene County Attorney requested assistance from an officer in gathering information from a victim in a Domestic Abuse Assault case filed by another local agency.
3:46pm: Mary Zollars reported receiving a check in the mail for over $3700.00. The letter claimed she had won 1.5 Million Dollars and she needed to pay taxes on the winnings. She did not provide the scammers any information and did not cash the check.
4:52pm: A Traffic Stop at Westwood and Hawthorne Lane resulted in Patrick Naberhaus of West Des Moines being cited for, “Excessive Speed.”
8:35pm: Chad Morton advised a stray dog was at his residence at 1310 Southfield Drive. The animal’s owner arrived and removed the animal before the officer’s arrival.
9:03pm: A Traffic Stop at 220 th and Orchard resulted in Jose Torres of Marshalltown being cited for, “Fail to Have a Valid License.”
10:09pm: Troy Carlson requested officers at 607 West South Street for a Domestic Argument occurring there. The officer worked to diffuse the situation and separate the partied for the evening.
10:58pm: Casey’s reported a Suspicious Male sitting outside of 508 North Elm Street. The officer contacted the male and sent him on his way.
Note: All charges are merely an accusation. All defendants are presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.