
The Guthrie County Community Foundation has announced its 2020 grant cycle recipients.

The Foundation received a total of about $143,902 to give in grants from the Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines and Grow Greene County Gaming Corporation. The largest grant awarded was $20,000 to the Guthrie County Fair Board for concrete for the new static exhibit building, followed by $14,000 to the Stuart Rescue Unit for a cardiac monitor project, $10,000 to the Casey-Walnut-Thompson Fire Department for a Polaris Ranger grass fighting unit, and $7,200 to Guthrie County Public Health for 15 laptops, software, and setup expenses. Grants are decided by a local Advisory Board and awarded to 501(c)3 organizations and government entities in an effort to create a better quality of life for Guthrie County residents.

Recipients of the Grow Greene County Gaming Corporation funds were:

Guthrie Co. Hospital
$ 310.00
Health & Safety Fair
City of Bagley
$ 4,300.00
Library HVAC
Guthrie Co. Public Health
$ 7,200.00
15 Laptops, Software + Setup labor
Casey-Walnut-Thompson FD
Polaris Ranger Grass Fighting Unit
Panora Fire Dept.
$ 7,000.00
Paving around Fire Hall
Stuart Rescue Unit
Cardiac Monitor Project

Recipients receiving the remainder of the money from the Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines were:

Casey Library
$ 170.00
Large Books
Stuart Depot
$ 412.50
Tables & Chair Racks
Menlo Public Library
$ 443.35
New Desktop Computer
City of Panora Police
$ 885.00
Body Armor
Ag 4 All
$ 1,800.00
Engineering in Agriculture Stations
Guthrie County Hospital
$ 190.00
Health & Safety Fair
Little Panther
$ 2,000.00
Cameras, Canopy, Vacuum
White Pole Road Development
$ 1,000.00
Pole Painting
City of Casey
$ 2,275.00
Courtyard Improvement
Guthrie Co. Arts Counsel
$ 2,000.00
Technology Updates
Firefly Creek Ranch
$ 1,000.00
Cooler, Freezer Repairs
Guthrie Co. ISU Extension
$ 2,500.00
Stem Program Assistants
Mary Barnett Library
$ 3,000.00
Game Table
Adair/Guthrie EMA
$ 3,500.00
2 Panasonic Computers
Guthrie Center Lions Club
$ 3,000.00
Upgrades & Improvements to Lions Den
Whiterock Conservancy
$ 2,000.00
2 AEDs, First Aid Kits
Panora Garden Club
$ 4,000.00
Replace Pots & Seasonal Plantings
Kid Zone
$ 4,934.00
3 Entry Doors
City of Menlo
$ 4,960.00
Electrical Upgrade to Campground
Bayard Betterment Foundation
$ 5,000.00
Park Shelter House
Friends of Lake Panorama
$ 2,000.00
Playground Project
Guthrie Activity Center
$ 4,000.00
Upgrade Kitchen
Stuart Sesquicentennial Committee
$ 5,000.00
City Park Sign
Guthrie Co. 4-H Foundation
$ 5,000.00
4-H Building Stage & Equipment
Habitat for Humanity
$ 5,000.00
Helping Hands 2020
Menlo Fire & Rescue
$ 5,150.00
Door Openers, EMS Equipment
Boys & Girls Club
$ 7,000.00
Kitchen &Dining Room Updates
N Compass
$ 2,872.38
Guthrie Co. Fair Board
Concrete for 4-H Building