In response to COVID-19, some changes are being made to the June primary election statewide and in Guthrie County to protect the health of voters and poll workers.
Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate is encouraging voters to vote by absentee, and his office plans to mail a request form to every active registered voter in the state ahead of the primary. The forms are expected to arrive by late April, and will include prepaid postage for return mailing to county auditors. While there are no contests on the Guthrie County primary ballot there are several state and national candidates running for office on the Democratic and Republican tickets. County Deputy of Elections Dani Fink says absentee ballots will be ready to mail on April 23rd. Absentee voting at the Guthrie County Courthouse is scheduled to begin on May 4th, and voters will cast their ballot in the public meeting room near the main entrance of the courthouse.
As the County anticipates a large number of absentee ballots cast, the County is combining its eight precincts into three locations on Election Day June 2nd. Voters from the black, gold, red, and white precincts will vote at the Christian Church Fellowship Hall in Guthrie Center; those in blue, brown, and green precincts will vote at Veteran’s Auditorium in Panora; and the purple precinct will vote at Stuart Congregational Church. Polls will be open from 7 a.m-9 p.m. and curbside voting will be available.