
The Dallas County Board of Supervisors will convene Tuesday morning in regular session.

The meeting will be held remotely to conform with social distancing requirements. The first action item will be consideration of a contract renewal for Decat Restorative Justice, and that will be followed by a purchase request for a new Sheriff’s Office vehicle. Next, the Board will consider tree removal bids for property at 1131 Prairie Street in Adel, and will have discussion and possible action on a professional services contract for the Auditor’s election equipment.

At 9:30 a.m. there will be a public hearing continued from last week, which is regarding the bids received for the sale of vacated Secondary Roads Department buildings. Also related to roads, the Board will consider a resolution to reclassify Ute Court as an “A” status road, a development agreement with Legacy Materials, LLC, and a competitive highway bridge program 28E agreement. The meeting will conclude with consideration of a relocation contract for a Treasurer’s Office safe, and the farm lease for Des Moines Area Community College.

The meeting will be held at 9 a.m. Tuesday, and the public can take part over the phone by calling 571-317-3122 and entering access code 816-978-853, or via the internet by clicking the link below.
