The COVID-19 pandemic can certainly been a factor that causes stress for lots of people, including children.
Board Certified Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Heather Wilson with Greene County Medical Center says children and adolescents can exhibit several signs that they are under stress, which could be caused by COVID-19 and having to stay home for several weeks. Some of the signs for children include excessive crying; worriness or sadness; irritability and possible regression of behaviors like toilet training. Additionally, children and adolescents tend to have changes in eating and sleeping habits, along with a decrease in attention and concentration, an increase in pain sensations and headaches with stress. Wilson points out some coping mechanisms for stress in kids could be to use tobacco, alcohol or drugs.
Wilson says if you notice these signs, talk to your children about the virus and share facts with them to help educate and calm them down. She describes another positive reinforcement strategy to lessen a child’s anxiety.
“Show them how you’re going to deal with stress. A lot of this is being that role model, being able to show them how stress can affect their lives. But also things that they can do to cope. Being able to deal with the stress as it comes toward us, and remind them that again this fear and anxiety that they feel is normal in this time (of COVID-19).”
Wilson adds, adults can reassure children and adolescents of their safety from the virus and how to protect themselves.