People are coming to grips with Friday’s announcement that the 2019-20 school year in Iowa would not finish in person, Raccoon Valley Radio reached out to Greene County Activities Director Todd Gordon. On Saturday’s Sports Page, he spoke about the announcement and how it affected him.

Today, the A.D. talks about how people are feeling, knowing there will be no Spring sports in Iowa’s schools this year. “You feel bad for people, and like I told people, it’s okay to feel bad. It’s natural, there’s nothing wrong with that. About seeing these kids miss out on a lot of opportunities they were going to have. Not only in the fields and on the tracks, but in the classroom, in their performances, large group contests, things like that, that just aren’t going to happen now. A lot of kids are going to miss out on things they have worked hard for and you just feel for them.”

For now, baseball and softball have been suspended, awaiting further assessment of the COVID-19 situation in the state. An announcement about summer sports is expected prior to June 1. Raccoon Valley Radio and will bring you official information as it becomes available.