
In light of recent confirmation that the novel coronavirus 2019 had found its way into their plant in Perry, Tyson Fresh Meats announced Sunday that they would close the facility for the day on Monday to give it a deep cleaning.

The announcement comes a day after Perry Mayor John Andorf encouraged the packing plant to temporarily suspend operation due to the reports of positive COVID-19 cases. Tyson officials have not revealed the number of employees who tested positive for the virus in Perry. However, it’s notable that of the 389 additional cases reported in Iowa Sunday – 67% of which were attributed to surveillance testing of meat processing facilities – none of them were in Dallas County. The Iowa Department of Public Health said the County’s total stayed at 45 from Saturday to Sunday.

When word first got out Friday of the positive cases at the Perry plant, Tyson Communications Manager Liz Croston emphasized that the production areas are sanitized daily to ensure food safety. With Monday’s closure, the company will take an additional step to stamp out the possibility of more coronavirus infections. Raccoon Valley Radio will bring you more information as it becomes official.