
The third of three fires the Perry Fire Department responded to Saturday night through Sunday morning was considered suspicious in nature, according to Fire Chief Chris Hinds.

The fire was reported at just before 4 a.m. Sunday, at a house located at 1815 8th Street. Hinds points out that the residence had been vacant for some time and there was no electricity running to it. As such, there was no apparent source of ignition, which is why the fire seems suspicious to investigators. Assistant Fire Chief Brian Eiteman and Perry Police Officer Josh Sienkiewicz are heading up the investigation. Hinds says the house is likely a total loss, though from the street it seems to be mostly in tact.

As for the other two overnight weekend fires, one involving a car and the other an apartment complex, they are not considered related to the third and foul play is not suspected at this time. Hinds says the car fire appeared to be a result of an electrical short under the hood. The apartment fire cause is unknown, but originated on an attached deck of the particular unit. Raccoon Valley Radio will bring you more information as it becomes official.