A resolution to vacate the north-south portion of Roost Lane failed to pass on a 2-3 vote at the Guthrie County Board of Supervisors meeting Tuesday.
At a previous meeting the Board approved to vacate the east-west portion of the L-shaped road, which seemed agreeable for the surrounding property owners. Those residents however took umbrage with this proposal, including Mark Van Houten and Brad and Ben Hayes who spoke during the meeting. The issue began a few years ago when the Board approved for the Secondary Roads Department to reshape and rock the previously unclassified road and look into vacating it. In other business, the Board approved contracts for grounds and roadside mowing, the five year Secondary Roads construction program and fiscal year 2021 budget for the Iowa Department of Transportation, approved the agreement with Shive Hattery Architecture and Engineering for the law enforcement center addition, and tabled approving minutes from February 4th and 6th as they were not available.