
Technology has become a necessity for Iowans during the COVID-19 pandemic, from schools to workplaces, interpersonal connections to commerce, so some state legislators have posed whether they could do the same.

The Iowa Legislature adjourned in mid-March due to fears of spreading the virus at the Capitol and is not set to reconvene until May 1st at the earliest. This means the Legislature cannot take any action on bills during that time, which some legislators have suggested they changed to “remote legislating.” State House District 20 Representative Ray Sorensen (R) says he’s open to the concept but he cites concerns of all Iowans having access to the internet, “We’re very accessible to the public when we’re in session and then when we’re not in session we go back to our homes and we’re accessible to the public there. So it would be a big thing in making sure that we’re accessible to the public and that business can continue in, at least in large part in the same way it does when we’re physically at the Capitol. You know I think technology wise I think we’re there it’s just if the populace would be willing to work with us on working out the bugs and the kinks of getting something like that going.”

You can hear more from Representative Sorensen during Monday’s Let’s Talk Guthrie County program as part of our weekly Legislative updates at raccoonvalleyradio.com.