
The 10 Squared Women of Guthrie County charitable organization recently made their first quarterly donation of 2020, but with County residents being faced with a greater need for food assistance due to the closures caused by COVID-19, the group jumped ahead to make their second quarterly donation.

As per usual three 10 Squared members each presented on behalf of a local project in need of grant funding, and the women voted to give their first approximately $10,000 donation to the Jamaica Children’s Youth Park. The funds will go towards improvements to the existing shelter house including electrical upgrades and new picnic tables. The old playground equipment and basketball hoops will also be replaced, with construction of a new pickleball court.

The next 10 Squared Women meeting was scheduled for May, but as the group saw the need for food and money for the New Opportunities Guthrie County Food Pantry as COVID-19 has created a larger demand, the group voted through a survey to send their second quarter donation to New Opportunities. The 10 Squared Women of Guthrie County currently has 104 members, and has contributed over $130,000 since its formation in January of 2017.