
One new case of novel coronavirus 2019 in Dallas County has been confirmed Saturday.

The Iowa Department of Public Health has been notified of 122 additional positive cases for a total of 1,510 cases in the state. There have been an additional 1,057 negative tests for a total of 15,622 negative tests to date. Three deaths were also reported today from Crawford, Johnson, and Madison counties, bringing a total of 34 deaths in Iowa. Saturday’s confirmed Dallas County case was of an adult between the ages of 41 and 60. The most recent data from the Iowa Department of Public Health shows there are 118 Iowans hospitalized, while 585 Iowans are recovering. The largest number of positive cases fall within the middle age range of 41-60 years, followed by adults between the ages of 18-40.

Public health advises Iowans of the everyday preventive actions for all respiratory viruses, including washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, avoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands, cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces, and staying home when you are sick. Listen to Raccoon Valley Radio for information on how COVID-19 is affecting the listening area, and visit our Local Coronavirus Information & Updates page.