
Photo courtesy of Perry Hy-Vee

With Easter Sunday this weekend, we thought we’d compare our area athletes to the animal synonymous with the holiday, the Easter Bunny.

According to, the average bunny can reach speeds of close to 30 miles per hour.  At the Dickinson Relays, the first and only track meet Panorama competed in before the Coronavirus outbreak put all schools and activities on hold, the Panthers fastest runner was Abbi Brown who finished the 60 meter dash in 8.72. The mathematicians at Raccoon Valley Radio crunched some numbers. Brown was running at 6.8 meters per second, which equates to just over 15 miles per hour.

Hopefully, we’ll get to see Brown and the rest of the Panorama track and field team in May. Luckily, if competition is allowed to resume, they will be racing against other human competitors, and not the Easter Bunny.