
With the recent announcement from Governor Kim Reynolds recommending school districts remain closed through the end of April, the free lunch program will continue with the Greene County School District.

Superintendent Tim Christensen says the program has seen great success so far through the first three weeks offered, serving over 500 meals per day. He talks about the district staff that has been involved.

“Cooks have been doing a fantastic job. The first week the middle school staff took care of that, the second week it was elementary and the third week was high school. We’ll cycle that through again. We’ve got associates that are handing out the lunches, we’ve got some other staff that are helping with that.”

Meals will continue to be served to those 18 and younger for free that live in the Greene County School District. Meals are served from 11:30am-1pm Monday-Friday at the Greene County Middle School gym, and the community centers in Scranton, Grand Junction and Rippey.