With Easter Sunday church services virtually cancelled due to the governor’s public health emergency proclamation for the COVID-19 outbreak, one Jefferson organization is hosting an event to promote togetherness of all denominations.
The Bell Tower Community Foundation is hosting a special Tower Tunes Live-Community Easter Sing-Along event on Easter Sunday. Retired high school band instructor Becky Greiner will perform several hymns on the four-octave Mahanay Memorial Carillon Tower bells at 12:15pm. The Bell Tower Foundation is encouraging everyone to step outside of their homes or park their vehicles at that time to sing-along to familiar hymns. They also encourage the public to practice social distancing during the event.
Bell Tower Community Foundation Board member Peg Raney talks about why they wanted to bring something like this to the Jefferson community.
“Music brings people together. I think anytime you see on t.v. or on the radio you hear a song and it brings back memories. I think having these traditional hymns played and families be together, it’s a very positive (thing) and we might as well as use this wonderful instrument that we have in this community.”
A list of the song selections can be found below.
Selections will include:
Christ, the Lord, is Risen Today
Just As I Am
How Great Thou Art
Amazing Grace
Rock of Ages
I Know that My Redeemer Lives
My Faith Looks Up to Thee
Blessed Assurance
Beautiful Savior