Following a public hearing held a few weeks ago and further discussion, the Guthrie County Board of Supervisors approved vacating the east-west portion of Roost Lane Tuesday.
The L-shaped road is located north of Highway 44 west of Panora, and the County intends to maintain the north-south portion as a Level B or C road after receiving feedback from the four landowners who use the road. The Supervisors also approved a fiscal year 2020 budget amendment from the Conservation Department following reimbursements received from the Federal Emergency Management Agency due to flood damage from spring of 2019. They also approved offering the Information Technology position to an applicant to start on May 4th, with an offer of $69,694. Finally, they approved the Samuels Group project manager contract for the law enforcement center addition construction, and tabled the contract with Shive Hattery Architecture and Engineering for a special meeting being held today.