The Dallas County Board of Supervisors convened Tuesday morning in regular session.
The meeting was held electronically, as the Board continues exercising social distancing. The first action item was the approval of the 26th pay application for the new law enforcement center, in the amount of $815,425.78. The Board also got an update on the progress of the project, which is now expected to be completed by May 14th. Next, they had discussion but took no action regarding affiliation agreements with local first responder groups and cities, as they relate to the Emergency Medical Services Department.
At 9:30 a.m. there was a public hearing continued from last week, which was regarding the five year road construction program presented by the Secondary Roads Department. Hearing no objections, the Supervisors approved the plan as presented. Also related to roads, the Board got an update on the 2020 road maintenance program, and approved a competitive highway bridge program federal aid agreement. Other items approved included: two vehicle purchase requests from the Sheriff’s Office; allowing the Auditor’s Office to seek County employee volunteers to help work polls during the June 2nd primary election; a proclamation for April as Child Abuse Prevention Month; and the reappointment of Jim Uthe as weed commissioner.