Photo Courtesy of PEA
The Perry Education Association (PEA) wanted to do their part to help students and families who have been adversely affected by the coronavirus pandemic, so they decided to pay student computer fines District-wide.
PEA President Jenn Nelson announced the organization had agreed to donate nearly $1,500 to cover the fines of all K-12 Perry students. She said the officers were brainstorming ways to help the community while the school is closed due to COVID-19, and paying the fines seemed an easy but impactful way of doing that. “Well we just know that there are a lot of families that are struggling right now, with parents either being out of work due to the COVID-19 or having to stay home with their school-aged children who are already at home. We also know it’s really important for students to have access to their computers right now, so that they can have those at home to continue some online learning or enrichment activities. And we just thought this was a very simple way we could help out with that.”
The funds came from the PEA membership dues collected each year. The fines are related to lost or damaged student computers, and they can result in the loss of computer privileges until paid.