Photo courtesy of Greene Co Medical Center
With the COVID-19 outbreak continuing in Iowa, health officials in Greene County are asking for the public’s help.
The Greene County Medical Center is accepting homemade medical masks. The masks will be worn by medical center employees and volunteers who are not involved in direct patient care, but who have been directed to wear personal protective equipment by the employee health and infection prevention protocols. Masks will also be worn by visitors who request a mask and by patients without respiratory symptoms who request one or who are being discharged from the hospital, emergency room or clinic.
Anyone interested in making masks to donate can download the pattern from the medical center’s website. The medical center stresses the importance of following the pattern as filters can also be inserted into the masks. Masks will be laundered and inspected by the linen staff and extra masks will be stored or donated to another medical facility that is in need.
The complete masks can be dropped off at the materials management delivery door on the backside of the medical center Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1-3pm. Donors can fill out a “Giving in Kind” form when dropping off the masks to make their donation tax-deductible. Click the link below for more information or for the mask pattern to follow.