Since last week, the Perry School District has provided grab and go meals to students each week day while classes are on hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, they’ve added a little something extra for the kids.

Through their partners at the City of Perry, the District gave out free books with the meals last week, and this week they’re handing out sports equipment. Superintendent Clark Wicks says they’ve been grateful for the support from the Perry Public Library and Parks and Recreation Department for providing the activities for students as they’re instructed to stay home. “It just enhances the whole situation. You come in for the breakfast/lunch, and all of a sudden you leave with not only that but books plus you get some really quality basketballs, footballs, soccer balls. So (it’s a) tremendous partnership, tremendous for the kids, and it’s kind of uplifting during these challenging times. So (we’re) very tickled about that partnership.”

Wicks adds, the program has been going very smoothly thanks to the staff and volunteers handing out the meals each day. They’ve even seen an uptick in attendance this week, seeing their average of around 200 meals served at the elementary last week jump to well over 300 so far this week. The grab and go meals are available at Perry High School and Elementary daily from 10:30 a.m. – noon. The children must be present in order to get the meals.