Today and tomorrow, the Dallas County Emergency Medical Services crews will operate free drive-through COVID-19 information stations in Perry and Adel.
Paramedics and Emergency Medical Technicians will be on hand to educate community members about the signs and symptoms, prevention, and care related to the coronavirus pandemic. EMS Director Mike Thomason emphasizes that the drive-through will be informational only, and they won’t conduct screening or treatment for anyone who believes they’ve been infected with the virus. The purpose is instead to give the public an avenue to educate themselves, especially if they don’t have access to information at home.
The stations will be operated from 4-7 p.m. today and tomorrow, first in the parking lot of the former ShopKo building in Perry, and then at Adel-DeSoto-Minburn High School in Adel. Attendees will stay in their vehicles to receive the handouts, and anyone who has exhibited coronavirus symptoms or have been around those with symptoms should not attend. Thomason hopes that the drive-through service will help ease the public’s fears and provide education. He encourages people to stay home as much as they can, but points out the stations will provide a quick way to access information that may not be available to them.