Internet connectivity is just one of the issues facing many local residents as a result of their work or school being closed in response to the novel coronavirus 2019 pandemic, but a Perry business is doing their part to help out.
Bits of Technology Wireless Internet, LLC (BTWI) is now offering a WiFi hotspot around their building in Perry, which is free for anyone to connect. BTWI mounted outdoor wireless equipment on the roof of their office, located in the East Perry Plaza, and the community can come to the parking lot of the plaza and connect to the high-speed internet with no data limits. Users are encouraged to distance themselves from others while using the WiFi, and BTWI points out it can be accessed from inside your vehicle. They ask that people not use it for streaming, gaming, or entertainment, as it’s intended for business and educational purposes.
For more information, click the link below to visit the BTWI Facebook page.