The City of Bagley recently completed their required quarterly manganese water test.
According to City Water Operator Lanette Webb, sample results received on March 11th showed manganese levels of 1.4 milligrams per liter, which is above the Environmental Protection Agency’s short-term health advisory of 1.0 milligrams per liter. The last sample done in December showed 1.5 milligrams of manganese. Residents are advised not to give tap water to infants. Bottled or alternative water is recommended for drinking and food preparation for children and adults. Webb mentions that boiling, freezing, or letting water stand does not reduce manganese, and that boiling can actually increase levels as it remains behind when water evaporates.
The City is working with Xenia Rural Water District, Region XII Council of Governments and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources to bring Xenia water to Bagley. Estimated timeframe for the project is unknown at this time. For more information, contact City Hall at 515-979-6728.