
With the 2019 novel coronavirus starting to spread into the more rural parts of Iowa, the agricultural industry stresses the importance of mitigating the outbreak.

ISU Extension and Outreach Field Agronomist Meaghan Anderson says given the already isolated nature of farming, it may seem like COVID-19 is of no concern for farmers. However, she points out that they have more contact with others than they may realize, so they should exercise the same preventative measures as a person living in an urban area. In addition to the hygiene recommendations for curbing the spread of the virus, Anderson says in-person contact, such as between a producer and supplier, should be minimized. That said, she emphasizes that constant communication is the industry’s best weapon against the illness.

“Please, for farmers, be sure to be in contact with your supplier. As far as how to get products that maybe you still have yet to pick up, whether that be chemicals for the growing season (or) feed, be thinking about things that you may rely on somebody else to be helping you with. Or just taking care to be courteous and make sure that if we’re trying to get something done that maybe we call in advance to make sure that things are still running normally, especially in this different time that we’re going through right now.”

Anderson adds, COVID-19 is one more concern for the agriculture industry, contributing to an already long list of stresses. As such, she encourages farmers to take care of the mental and physical wellbeing of themselves and their families above all else. Available resources include the Iowa Concern Hotline, which provides 24-hour confidential assistance and can help with financial concerns, legal education, and stress counseling. Call 800-447-1985 or click the link below for more information.