As efforts to encourage social distancing related to COVID-19 continue throughout Iowa, an area bank has announced they are closing their lobbies for the foreseeable future.
Raccoon Valley Bank notified the public that effective tomorrow, they would prohibit access to the interior of each of their branch locations. CEO and President Terry Nielsen said in a statement that the safety and health of their staff, customers, and community is their top priority in dealing with the 2019 novel coronavirus pandemic. However, Nielsen emphasizes that the drive-up windows and outdoor ATMs will remain open for normal business hours. The exception is the Minburn branch, which will be closed entirely with no ATM access. Customers are encouraged to use the bank’s digital services for the time being, and Nielsen says they’ll continue to assess the situation when deciding to reopen the lobbies.
As of now, no other bank in the listening area has announced a similar policy in dealing with the COVID-19 outbreak. Keep listening to Raccoon Valley Radio for the latest information on the coronavirus situation.