
Items regarding the sale of Secure an Advanced Vision for Education (SAVE) bonds for the fitness center addition project and HVAC unit purchase were approved by the Guthrie Center School Board Monday.

The Board first approved engagement letters with Piper Sandler & Co. and Ahlers & Cooney law firm for the Board’s placement agent and bond counsel, respectively. They then approved a resolution for the sale of about $1.2 million in SAVE bonds to BB&T Bank. The Board expects to review and approve construction bid documents from RFK Architects for the project at their next regular meeting.

In other business, the Board approved Tech Coordinator David Faucher’s recommendation of purchasing about 300 2017 model MacBook Air Cores and cases for their laptop refresh totaling around $200,000. They also approved moving up their next meeting date to April 13th in order to approve their final fiscal year 2021 budget before the April 15th deadline, and approved paying non-certified staff at their regular rate while the district is closed until April 13th.