West Central Valley Activities Director David Doely was the Guthrie County PM sports page last night, and had a lot of great insights into the spring athletic season. Yesterday the ISHAA and the IGHSAU made the decision yesterday morning to suspend spring activities. Doely talked about the different ways that athletes for the spring sports will be able to stay in rhythm despite the long delay.
” With track and soccer the hope is that the kids are still going to with decent weather here and their going too hopefully condition a little bit and you know whether that’s just outside running or having a treadmill or anything like that just to try and stay in shape and keep their legs healthy. Golf wise, unless they completely shut us down that’s the luxury with golf is that is kids have the ability to go out and practice on their own.”
The first day that they can come back from this break will be April 13th. The Raccoon Valley Radio Network will keep you up to date with all of the latest things happening regarding the spring sports calendar.