Guthrie County Sheriff’s Office
Weekly Report
(Please print the announcements below)
Public Service Announcements
Due to the number of cattle calls that we receive, please call the Sheriff’s Office and let us know where you have your cattle and your cellphone number.
3:17 am Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call in Guthrie Center
10:20 am Guthrie Co Deputy preformed a case follow up in Guthrie Center
11:15 am Funeral escort by Stuart Police
1:26 pm Guthrie Co Deputy took a stolen property report
1:55 pm Stuart Police investigate a report of a suspicious person on N Adair Street
3:01 pm Stuart Police served a summons on Max Drive
3:33 pm Chief Deputy responded to an erratic driving complaint in Guthrie Center
3:33 pm Stuart Police and Adair Co Deputy responded to a call on NW 2nd Street
4:38 pm Welfare check by Guthrie Co Deputy on 7th Street in Menlo
5:35 pm Welfare check by Guthrie Deputy on Prairie Street in Guthrie Center
7:45 pm Guthrie Co Deputy served civil papers in Guthrie Center
8:51 pm Guthrie Co Deputy removed debris from the roadway on 190th Road
9:18 pm Guthrie Co Deputy assisted with a civil issue in Guthrie Center
10:45 pm Guthrie Co Deputies and Iowa State Patrol responded to a call in Yale
2:02 am Stuart Police, Fire & Ambulance responded to a report of a suicidal person
1:49 am Guthrie Co Deputy assisted a motorist in Guthrie Center
9:02 am Motorist assist by Guthrie Co Deputy on Park Avenue in Guthrie Center
9:32 am Guthrie Co Deputy informed of an assault at the Guthrie Center High School
3:15 pm Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call on Main Street in Guthrie Center
7:07 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a theft call on 110th Street, Bagley
7:10 pm Guthrie Co Deputy served civil papers on Bluff Street in Guthrie Center
7:46 pm Attempt to serve civil papers on 130th Street by Guthrie Co Deputy
9:19 pm Welfare check by Guthrie Co Deputy and Panora Police on N 4th Street in Guthrie Center
11:25 pm Guthrie Co Deputy and Panora Police responded to a suspicious activity call on Main Street in Yale
12:43 am Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a report of a suspicious person in Yale
12:56 am Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a car vs. deer
1:21 am Guthrie Co Deputy put down a deer & removed from White Pole Road
3:19 am Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a residential burglar alarm on Panorama Dr
3:34 am Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a residential burglar alarm on Panorama Dr
4:04 am Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a report of a suspicious person in Yale
6:17 am Guthrie Co Deputy, Panora Ambulance, Bayard Fire & Ambulance, Iowa State
Patrol & DOT responded to a car vs. pedestrian on Hwy 141 in Bayard
9:04 am Stuart Ambulance responded to a medical call in Stuart
11:24 am Panora Ambulance transported a patient from Guthrie Co Hospital to Mercy
1:34 pm Panora Ambulance & Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a medical call in Guthrie Center
4:16 pm Casey Fire Department responded to a grass fire on Maple Avenue
4:42 pm Panora Fire and Ambulance responded to a grass fire on Wagon Road
5:34 pm Guthrie Co Deputy & Stuart Police responded to a commercial burglar alarm
6:50 pm Panora Police & Guthrie Co Deputy responded to neighbor situation
8:29 pm Panora Police transported 1 male to Guthrie Co Jail
9:09 pm Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call in Yale
9:23 pm Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call in Panora
12:25 am Stuart Ambulance responded to a medical call in Stuart
2:00 am Guthrie Co Deputy & Panora Police responded to a report of suspicious activity
in Yale
2:57 am Guthrie Co Deputy & Panora Police responded to a report of suspicious activity
in Yale
6:30 am Stuart Police responded to a 2-vehicle accident on S Division St
11:06 am Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a suspicious person on Hwy 141
1:28 pm Panora Police responded to an intoxicated person on Main St
1:36 pm Stuart Police responded to a report of a shoplifter on S Division ST
5:53 pm Guthrie Co Deputy preformed a warrant check in Bayard
7:31 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a report of a dog attach in Guthrie Center
7:56 pm Guthrie Co Deputy transported 1 male to Guthrie Co Jail
8:21 pm Guthrie Co Deputy checked on a vehicle on White Pole Road
8:31 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a driving complaint in Bayard
8:49 pm Guthrie Co Deputy transported 1 male to Guthrie Co Jail
1:30 am Guthrie Co Deputy & Stuart Police responded to suspicious activity on SW 7th St
4:22 am Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call in Panora
9:47 am Guthrie Co Deputy picked up a prisoner from Boone Co Jail
1:59 pm Menlo Fire, Stuart Fire & Ambulance & Casey Fire responded to a grass fire
2:57 pm Guthrie Center Fire responded to a grass fire on Popular Ave
3:00 pm Stuart Ambulance responded to a medical call in Stuart
3:03 pm Guthrie Co Deputy & Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call in Jamaica
5:03 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a family situation in Yale
5:13 pm Stuart Fire responded to a grass fire on 280th St
5:32 pm Guthrie Center Fire responded to a grass fire on 260th St
6:43 pm Guthrie Co Deputy detained 1 male for Polk Co
7:27 pm Guthrie Co Deputy transported a prisoner to a Polk Co Deputy
7:38 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a family situation on Wood Rd
7:41 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a family situation in Guthrie Center
10:31 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a 2-vehicle accident in Jamaica
11:37 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a report of harassment in Casey
12:35 pm Stuart Police responded to a 2-vehicle accident on N Division St
3:22 pm Guthrie Co Deputy released a vehicle from impound
4:09 pm Stuart Police responded to a report of criminal mischief in Stuart
5:04 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a report of a suicidal individual in Jamaica
8:10 pm Panora Police transported 1 male to Guthrie Co Jail
8:33 pm Guthrie Co Deputy assisted Dallas Co with a high-speed chase
9:54 pm Stuart Police responded to disturbance on NE 2nd ST in Stuart
3:18 am Stuart Police & Stuart Fire responded to a gas spill on S Division St
3:59 am Stuart & Menlo Ambulance responded to a medical call in Menlo
9:54 am Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a family situation on 175th St
10:37 am Casey Fire assisted Adair Fire in Adair
3:16 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a report of suspicious activity in Guthrie Center
3:30 pm Guthrie Co Deputy transported 1 female to Guthrie Co Jail
4:47 pm Guthrie Co Deputy responded to a neighbor situation in Guthrie Center
7:03 pm Panora Ambulance responded to a medical call in Guthrie Center
10:55 pm Guthrie Co Deputy & Panora Police responded to a domestic situation on 130th St