As the current school year starts to wind down, so too does a project the Perry School District started at the year’s outset.
The Building Trades class is new to Perry High School this year, and through it students have gotten real world experience by building a house. Recently, instructor Chad Morman took the School Board and administration on a tour of the house, which is located in the 2100 block of Otley Street, and Superintendent Clark Wicks says everyone was impressed with how it’s turning out.
Wicks adds, it would be impossible to distinguish the student-built house from one built by professionals, though that’s because of help they’ve received from the community. “It’s been a nice combination, because we have a number of professional contractors that have been in there. This is the neat thing about this project, is the amount of mentoring that is going on between professionals and the students. We have had a tremendous amount of help from our local contractors, so kudos to all of those, it looks great!”
Wicks says the house is on schedule to be finished by May at the latest, at which time the school will seek a buyer. The proceeds from the sale will go towards their next house project, which will go up next school year in the same neighborhood. To learn more about this and other Perry School District topics, click the link below to listen to the recent Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County program with Wicks.