
The Greene County School Board met Wednesday night.

The meeting began with three public hearings. The first was on the contract for the high school into the middle school conversion project. The Board approved the lone bid from Henkel Construction for $4,099,000 with the possibility of adding additional alternatives provided with the bid. The second hearing was for the certified budget, which the Board approved the overall tax levy of $14.66 per $1,000 of property valuation. It is a decrease from the current fiscal year tax levy of $15.05. The third hearing was on the next school year calendar. The Board approved the calendar with eliminating early Wednesday dismissals in favor of six data days on Mondays throughout the year.

Then during open forum, a resident addressed the Board about the middle school gym. The individual asked the Board to consider how much the current facilities are being used and money that is paid out to use them. The Board took no action following the comments.

Next, the Board tabled the decision on purchasing Earth Networks weather monitoring system, pending further review of all the tiers of service that are offered. The Board then approved Home Town Ticketing system to purchase single game or activity seats, reserved seating or season passes via a scanner/computer system. The only cost to the district is purchasing two scanners between $35-50. The Board also approved an e-rate purchase of $92,297 for needed equipment and will be reimbursed $51,578, set a public hearing for April 15th’s regular board meeting to receive roof bids for the high school into middle school conversion project.

Other items the Board approved included a Coca-Cola/Atlantic Bottling Company to replace Pepsi products in the vending machines and concession stands, renting the Grand Junction Community Center for the summer lunch program, a $2,050 fee to have Lyndsey Fennelly speak on mental health, two fundraiser requests as presented, fertilizer application bid from Raccoon Valley Lawn Care of $28,460, purchasing a Dixie Chopper mower from Neese Incorporated for $10,093, an overnight travel request to Chicago, Illinois for professional development for kindergarten teachers, a school permit request for Olivia Shannon that lives within one-mile of the high school, and a construction change order for the new high school and career academy project as presented.