The Perry School Board will convene Monday evening in regular session.
The meeting will begin with a report on the preliminary certified budget for fiscal year 2021, as well as an update on the recent special election for the District’s revenue purpose statement. Superintendent Clark Wicks will also discuss the path to assessing the current challenges facing the high school football program. The action items will start with approving the members of the School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC) for the current school year. Next, the Board will consider a resolution in support of the Complete Count committee for the upcoming 2020 Census.
That will be followed by discussion and possible action to publish the proposed fiscal year 2020-21 budget, and setting a public hearing for April 13th to certify it. The Board will also consider a budget guarantee resolution. Other items on the agenda include: an agreement with Atlantic Bottling Company for soft drinks; revisions to Board policies; and personnel changes. The meeting will conclude with an exempt session to conduct negotiations strategy. The meeting will be held at 6 p.m. Monday in the high school’s Brady Library.