Photos courtesy of Perry School District
The Perry Elementary English Learner (EL) teachers hosted a special event recently, in order to exhibit the progress the students are making to their families.
Around 150 people attended the family engagement night on February 27th, which the teachers and administrators felt was a successful turnout. One of the goals of the EL program is to encourage family involvement in learning English as a second language, whether that be reading at home or having daily conversations. Through the engagement night, the school was also able to bring families together to practice and exhibit their language skills with other members of the community.
Attendees were treated to pizza, chips, cookies, and water, all provided by local businesses and organizations, and they also had a chance to play games and win prizes. Additionally, each student was gifted two books at their reading level in English, as well as one diversity book in their first language. The Perry EL team thanked the community for supporting the event, and the families for taking the time to participate.