Dallas County ISU Extension and Outreach is helping area kids get a leg up on summer employment by offering several upcoming sessions of their Babysitting Basics program.
The class is open to boys and girls in 5th grade and above, and participants will learn things such as basic first aid and emergency response, how to care for and entertain infants and young children, and ideas on how to market yourself to potential clients. The cost is $25 per person per class, and each participant will receive a certificate of completion. Registration is required, as space is limited and the classes tend to fill quickly.
Each session is six hours long, with the first program to be held March 16th from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. in Adel. After that, each class will be split into three-hour blocks from 9 a.m. – noon over two days, starting with May 28-29 in Granger. There will then be programs on June 1-2 in Waukee, June 11-12 in Adel, and June 18-19 in Redfield. Specific locations will be provided when you sign up. To learn more, contact Extension Human Science Educator Maddie Mardesen by phone at 515-993-4281 or email at mardesm@iastate.edu. To access the online registration, click the link below.